After our last hike of the day, we had just enough time to go and see something else again. Of course Sam and I chose to go to our favourite spot in the park, Valley View to see it in the setting sun, and it was glorious.

Valley View is an easy viewpoint to get to, it's right next to the road with a little carpark when you're on your way out of Yosemite Valley. I don't know if we were just lucky, but we found it was quite empty (only a couple of other people there) while we were visiting in the morning and again in the afternoon.

This is one of those afternoons that I will remember forever. We each took turns scaling the rocks in the river to get to this tree log for a photo each. No one fell in the water, though we all had moments where it looked like we were about to!

Tunnel View was on the way back to our accommodation so we stopped here one more time, just before it got dark. We were the only ones there and it felt like we had the world to ourselves.

all photos edited with my Disposable Film Lightroom Preset