Dan and I travelled to the US with our friend Cuong and spent just under 2 weeks exploring the national parks and taking a plethora of photos! The only camera gear I brought with me was the Sony A7III so I could vlog and take photos and 2 lenses. The Sony 28mm f2 which I use mostly to vlog + I take some photos on it. As well as the Canon 35mm f1.4 II + Metabones iv adaptor which I use for photography.

We spent the first half of our week in beautiful Colorado, you can see the photos from that trip here. I also filmed a vlog from that trip and we created a cinematic film on the Sony A7sII.

The second half of our trip was in one of my favourite places in the world - Yosemite National Park. We spent our few days in Yosemite exploring some of the spots in the valley, going on plenty of hikes. We visited Vernal Falls and also visited Mariposa Grove for the first time ever! We spotted a grizzly bear in the wild! It was a little cub which was across the road coming towards us. It was a bit of a scary experience at first, but we made some noise and he went running away. I wouldn't have wanted to meet mama bear!

I’ve included before and after photos in this blog post so you can see how I edit my images with my Lightroom Presets. For this set of images, I thought Florence suited the vibe of Yosemite so well. It’s a vintage looking preset with warm tones, but it still looks pretty natural on the photos which I loved! You can see more examples of the Florence Preset here.

Below are the 2 videos I filmed during our time in Yosemite! In the video, you can see before & after examples of all the photos I took. I also share my camera settings + what lens I was photographing on for each shot. There are lots of travel photography tips and behind the scenes of the spots we were taking photos in.

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel, I upload a new photography video every single week! Hope you enjoy the photos.

This blog was put together with Narrative. I love using Narrative as part of my photoshoot culling process to see which images from a shoot I should edit and I also use it to easily & quickly be able to put together these blog posts with different layouts of images side by side. I’m really excited to say I’ve teamed up with Narrative and have a 15% discount code for you guys using the code julia15 or just clicking this link! You can download a free trial to test it out for 7 days too :)

All photos are edited with my Florence Lightroom Preset!

All photos are edited with my Florence Lightroom Preset!

