campaign for paul edmonds
models terri @ storm
amy @ select
veronika @ select
makeup emily jane
stylist rachel holland
set stylist casey williams
film dan @ i make films
london part i // london part ii // campaign // paris // poland
julia trotti | youtube photography tutorials
Viewing entries in
campaign for paul edmonds
models terri @ storm
amy @ select
veronika @ select
makeup emily jane
stylist rachel holland
set stylist casey williams
film dan @ i make films
london part i // london part ii // campaign // paris // poland
jewellery: alexandra redmond
model: tanya @ the agency
makeup: emmily banks
behind the scenes film: dan @ chase studios
these are some outtakes from a recent lookbook shoot i did for the amazing jewellery designer, alexandra redmond. you can see the official photos i took for her on her
we started this day taking photos in fields of grass in the shade of big gum trees. as we were walking across the road in the heat, we stumbled across this abandoned house. at first we only saw the metal-skeleton clothing line lonelily standing and swaying in the breeze. as we went to knock on the front door to ask the owners if we could take a few photos in their yard, we found ripped fly screens on the windows and a vacated white house.
and so we spent the rest of the day resting on flower bushes with bees happily humming around our ankles, treading through the squelching grass (the front yard had been flooded and all our shoes were destroyed by the end of the day), sitting by the lavender flowers and getting tangled in tree branches.
model: ellie
makeup: www.abbeylove.com.au
clothing: oh deer boutique
i also created a little film from our adventures on the day, this is probably one of my favourites. drowned in sunlight and the exact way i like to spend my afternoons:
today we spent the day exploring the corners and sidestreets of surry hills. my camera came along with us as we were invited to shoot inside quaint cafe's by a jolly coffee-maker, climbed barred windows and skated around the sydney streets decorated with dead rats on the sidewalk. we walked into a random corner store to get sour apple slurpees and took some photos while we were there beside the shelving with lollies as the manager of the store just stared at us, slightly amused.
towards the end of the day of running around and walking upside-down, we decided to finish up by having another small adventure, so we ventured to the rooftop of a tall building. it was windy and cold but the view was breathtaking. i've always had such a fascination with being so high up and seeing how little the world is in all it's vastness.
on day two, we drove back through the bumpy road (car sliding and girls screaming and chatting in between) to get to the abandoned castle, we shot in the wet fields of grass and muddy puddles until sundown.
and of course, a big thank you goes out to the team making all this possible:
chase studios
for creating the lovely music for all three videos you will soon see! if you want lovely music like this for your videos, have a peek at their
the team at age of intimacy:
designer & creative director:
productions & locations:
model: coralie bradbery @ chadwicks
photography, video and editing: julia trotti
hair stylist:
makeup artist:
many thanks to:
eurama estate &
town and country antiques
for letting us shoot this campaign in their beautiful locations.
part iii will be blogged tomorrow! x