everyone part of our creative team always talk about road tripping across the american desert, so we decided to take matters into our own hands and find a little piece of palm springs here in sydney to shoot in one afternoon instead. we drove towards the sunset to our location and photographed well into the night. in the background, dirt bikes growled over dirt mounds, headlights from their bikes lonelily wandering in the desolate landscape in the distance. we listened to music loudly and tripped over the rugged ground more times than we could count while we were shooting under the bright moon. poor lidija had what looked like wolf claw marks on her legs, dan stepped on an ant mound and we were all attacked by mosquitos as the night settled in. i think it was all well worth it though in the end run and i can't wait for our next shoot together which we've started planning! lots of exciting things to come (not to mention some behind the scenes from this day which will be blogged soon!).
model madeline rae mason
makeup lidija j
stylist jessie mcnaught
film dan @ i make films