The Google Pixel 6 Pro features a 50 megapixel Quad Bayer wide camera. This is the phone’s default camera has a sensor with an 82 degree field of view and an f1.85 aperture. Watch my real world review of the Pixel 6 Pro in the video below to see the camera in action! I have a portrait photoshoot with a professional model where I take photos in different lighting scenarios. I make use of both easy and more challenging lighting to see how the Pixel 6 Pro camera performs.

I’m happy to see that we still have our dual exposure controls. The top slider is to control exposure and the bottom slider is to control the shadows. A new addition to the Pixel 6 Pro is the White Balance slider, located on the left side of the camera app. This slider is SO convenient to take more control over the images you take.

I share a demonstration of how the Pixel 6 Pro Magic Eraser tool works. I also include lots of 100% crops of the unedited, straight out of the camera photos.

The Google Pixel 6 Pro includes a telephoto camera, which is not included in the Pixel 6. The 6 Pro's telephoto lens is 48 megapixels with an aperture of f3.5 and a 23.5 degree field of view. In the camera app, there are shortcuts for 0.7x, 1x, 2x and 4x zoom. Selecting 2x zoom makes use of digital zoom with the standard wide lens. Selecting 4x zoom is when the telephoto lens is used. Both the telephoto and wide lens makes use of optical image stabilisation.

Finally, I’m excited to see we have a 12 megapixel ultra wide camera in the Pixel 6 Pro too. The ultra wide camera has an aperture of f2.2 and a 114 degree field of view. It makes use of lens correction when processing the photo.

Pixel 6 Pro Portrait Photography

Here is a mixture of wide, ultrawide and telelphoto portraits taken on the 6 Pro in natural light. Watch my video to see all the unedited photos and some images at 100% crop to get a better idea of sharpness and detail.

model heidi

makeup lidija j

video dan @ i make films

Photos edited with my FREE photo editing app Digital Film - available for both iOS and Android.

Pixel 6 Pro Video

Watch my review video to see examples of the Google Pixel 6 Pro video capabilities. Here's a quick summary of the video specs I tested in my review:

Rear camera

4K video recording at 30 FPS, 60 FPS

1080p video recording at 30 FPS, 60 FPS

Front camera

4K video recording at 30 FPS

1080p video recording at 30 FPS, 60 FPS

Extra video features

Cinematic Pan

Slo-mo video @ 120 FPS and 240 FPS

4K timelapse with stabilisation

Astrophotography timelapse

Optical image stabilisation

4K Cinematic Pan video stabilisation

4K locked video stabilisation

1080p active video stabilisation

Digital zoom up to 20x

Video formats: HEVC (H.265) and AVC (H.264)

I also share an example in my video of the Pixel 6 Pro audio quality with and without speech enhancement.

Pixel 6 Pro Night Sight + Astrophotography + Selfie Cam

Of course I have lots of night sight example photos and show you astrophotography and what the new astrophotography timelapse feature looks like. Scroll to the bottom of this blog post to find a sample gallery of the Google Pixel 6 Pro including 23 high resolution files!

Download a high resolution sample gallery of the Google Pixel 6 Pro here! I’ve labelled all the photos so you know which lens was used + any extra details that may be important. This Pixel 6 Pro download gallery includes 23 images, including 1 RAW image if you want to play around with editing. If you found my video and sample gallery helpful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel! I upload new photography videos every single week. And drop a comment on my Pixel 6 Pro review video letting me know what you think of the downloadable photos :)