JULIA TROTTI | Photography Tutorials + Camera and Lens Reviews

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roadtrip to melbourne

we set off for melbourne late one morning


too many kms to go


open land for forever and ever

just after we passed the border between nsw and victoria

night driving into the city

our hotel room after the festival

upside-down world

exploring the graffitied laneways, taken with my iphone

ice cream & coffee at night by the beach in a random suburb

someone's cd collection by the window

gig venue hunting

the very awesome brunswick st

visiting the docklands on our last day

over the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year, dan and i went on an adventure to melbourne. we set off for the ten hour drive late one morning. we travelled all through the day, passing broken down cars, dusty towns and forever and ever fields of desert grass, mountains and trees. the sun had started to set by the time we reached the border between two states and finally by the time we reached the city, tired, delirious and excited it was dark and late. we went out for coffee in a close by graffitied laneway, came back to our temporary home in the middle of the city and passed out.

our week in melbourne was amazing after that. i spent two days with my camera glued to my hands and fingers shooting the pyramid rock festival at phillip island, the blistering heat was overwhelming during the day and when the sun set, the island was made of ice - but nothing would stop me from seeing the world through my viewfinder, shooting strangers dancing around in panda suites and musicians running around on stage. the two days were mine to capture, and capture everything is all i did. but i'll write more about this story soon..

when we got back from the loudness and constant music all around, we chose to stay in a suburb just outside the always-moving always-rushed city of melbourne. every day we looked at a map and picked a random suburb that had an interesting name or a lovely view and spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the little alleyways and long streets, the quaint shops and food-baby restaurants.

the second half of twenty-eleven was a crazy rush for me and my camera. i spent almost every day shooting, every night editing, every morning sending off cds to clients. while some days in melbourne i rested from my camera and was happy it wasn't hanging around my neck, the days that i did shoot everything i saw were the best.

one thing i'm going to attempt in 2012 is to do a 365 with my


. sometimes i will take specific photos for that day, but its mostly to motivate me to post a new picture every day for you all. and also, i haven't forgotten about free curve friday, its about to start all over again next week!
