suzi rose collection: she's a dreamer

models: lillian, kellie & kayla


suzi rose


not too long ago i spent a day at my office shooting suzi rose's newest (and very cute) collection, she's a dreamer. there were countless outfits, purple and gold strewn about our picnic blanket on the sand. we spent a lot of the time taking photos walking through the little rock pools and getting the dresses wet, strangers watching by the shoreline. at the end of the day the girls were even game enough to get into the water, its supposed to be summer here in australia but it hasn't been half as hot as it usually is!

i drove back home from wollongong with red sunburnt shoulders & the rest of my skin on fire, but was so excited about the photos i started editing straight away. i'm currently putting together a short film from everything i filmed on the day while i was shooting. hopefully i can finish it before christmas so i can show you all the dreamy day in moving pictures.



sydney shootout!

when i saw rosie hardy put together her shootout day, i thought it was an amazing idea and was inspired to do the same thing - sydney version! 10 of us met up at sydney college of the arts one saturday morning and shot through the day. i had a great time, and it was lovely to meet so many new faces that are as much in love with taking pictures as i am, it doesn't make me feel guilty talking all photo mumbo-jumbo! since this shootout was successful, i am definitely going to plan another one! maybe the next one we can shoot at the beach and learn how to work with harsh lighting conditions.. it's all plans in my head for the time being!

the model is the beautiful ayesha jaye, who totally kept her cool posing in front of ten different camera lenses!

suzi rose

very kindly let us borrow her clothes for the day &

ally cussell

was on makeup.

here are a few links to everyone else's photos from the day, i will hopefully be adding everyone to the list as they post their photos!

luke m

secretstare photography

lauren stella photography

maraia photography

chantelle k

rebecca brooke


and some behind the scenes photos from the day:



dandelion love

models: sarah s & liam

designers: lynn to, mim goode & kamelia allaf

this is a little swimsuit collection i shot for my friend lynn in kamelia's backyard with a trampoline and bubbles one afternoon. i woke up to a message that morning from the model i had booked saying she couldn't make it.. the four of us were frantically searching around for someone to shoot when mim asked the beautiful sarah. she had never modelled before but was completely natural and lovely while i was taking pictures. i collapsed in my seat on the train ride home soo relieved that the day worked out after all, the series even ended up being published in the latest issue of javertime magazine! 

i hope you love dandelion love, and all the drama that came with it on the day! a few people have been asking so i thought i'd mention that all the photos expect for the last two in this series were edited with my free curve friday curves. some were mixtures of two curves and some were completely new curves that i am due to upload for you all soon!



the linnet bird

model: shannon

makeup: marie

designer: alicia doust designs

so on wednesday night i was booked for a last minute shoot the following morning for alicia's amazing designs. dan and i woke up at six am and drove down to coogee beach where all was cloudy and rainy, but beautifully blue for the shoot. hair & makeup was ready by the time we got there, so from there we spent a couple of hours walking through the rocks & the rock pool shooting against the waves crashing up against the shore of jagged edges. i couldn't be more happy with the results from this shoot which literally happened overnight (as well as all the editing)! 



sight seeing

Why hello there everyone, I think its time for me to get back into blogging! I've spent the past couple of weeks so so busy with shooting and uni, i've barely had any time for anything else! this week i've had a shoot every single day, starting with today's post. 

This is how the little story goes..

Friday morning Dan and I wake up early morning and drive with Mikey down to Sydney airport to pick up his girlfriend & her friend. They're from Queensland and never been to Sydney before, so we decided to take them around to all the touristy spots we could think of (which weren't that many haha). We started off the day at the darling harbour where i took photos of strangers and they took holiday photos of each other. Then we headed to taronga zoo (I haven't been there since i was about ten!) where all the animals looked lonely and sad in their cages, it made me cringe.

But anyway, I hope you enjoy these photos! if you'd like to see what's coming soon, i've posted one photo of every shoot that i've done last week on




my silent film

this is a little pre-shoot i did with age of intimacy for their new collection titled "indie rose". i will be shooting their whole campaign in a couple of weeks and i couldn't be more excited! their style & clothes are absolutely amazing.

model: coraline @ chadwicks

makeup artist: marija m


age of intimacy

's kimono



gitana (gypsy girl)

other photographer, shoot planner:

mathew sacco

@ www.evokeimages.com.au

(check out his side of the shoot on his blog:




erica east

hair & makeup:

abbey love

@ www.abbeylove.com.au


tina tran


sheree gaulke

@ www.shedesigns.com.au


frolic wollongong

@ www.frolicgirls.com.au

behind the scenes film/photography:

lucy jean

i couldn't have asked to be part of a more wonderful shoot, everyone was just working their talented magic from the (very) early morning to late afternoon! the location sheree so kindly let us use for the shoot (her home!) was breathtaking - she had white wooden floorboards and black walls, mirrors and chandeliers hanging in every room, old rusty doors that lead to no where stacked by the kitchen, and pretty little in betweens on the random surfaces around the living room. 

and mathew sacco, who once again i am ecstatic i get to work beside and who put this entire day together was absolutely amazing. he has a few pictures up on his blog already (which i loooooove) and i can't wait to see the rest!! so keep an eye out :)

lots more blogging to come soon!




tim rogers @ annandale's 11th birthday

tim rogers, a drunken pirate stumbled up on stage, took his place on his stool and played an amazing show that still gives me chills thinking about it weeks after. leena is the lovely girl with the floral dress and acoustic guitar and the people before her are strangers waiting around in the packed out annandale hotel, the first day of their 11th birthday week.



age of intimacy test shoot

yesterday i met up with the girls of age of intimacy for a model casting for their next campaign i will be shooting. they have an amazing studio (which they just moved into three weeks ago but look like they've been living there for years!). inspiration and drawings are hung up on the walls, flowers and animal masks dangling everywhere - one of them a lion mask, just like the ragdoll kitty prowling around on the ground. they have rickety bookshelves filled with empty jars and issues upon issues of oyster magazine.

the girl in the photos is the first model we met with, her name is coraline. we shot some standard tests against a white wall with window light, then took some photos in the extra rooms around the studio-factory. i asked her to lay on the rug, looking at the sky.



grass and sand

model: teigan
wearing: suzi rose
makeup: lidija j

just a few outtakes from my winter campaign shoot for the amazing suzi rose, i finally have an afternoon to myself so i thought i'd go back and edit some older photos :)



against me at the metro

last night i had the pleasure to shoot against me playing a gig at the metro in sydney, australia for the au review. they were absolutely amazing.. and to my surprise i was the only photographer! i have no idea why, but i felt pretty special haha. after my three songs i quickly ran and left my camera bag in the cloakroom and joined dan and matt at the front of the mosh pit right in front of tom gabel for the rest of the gig. seriously one of the best shows i've been to in a lonnnnngg time!! i was so happy i was able to document the whole night.

this is the first support band that played, grand fatal:

off with their heads were next:

and against me with a killer set (possibly literally with the amount of people flying around the venue towards the end of the gig):

all my muscles are aching but i can't wait to see and shoot them again.




down by the river

 model: alexandrea sophie



road tripping again to nowhere and back

my sister holding my old pentax camera

strangers just outside the cave entrance


today, a random wednesday, the day after the long weekend when everyone is supposed to go back to work, we drove to the wombeyan caves where there is no reception and nothing but grass and roads as far as you can see. we left early morning, i was (and still am) sick and dreary, my head nothing but a daze of clouds.

the road after the highway to the caves was a little rickety one - nothing but rocks and the edge of the mountain. we couldn't see around bends and every car driving past made it feel like we going to be pushed down into the trees and nothingness below.

this week has been one of those weeks when i wake up and just want to take pictures of everything. i miss it so much, taking photos for the fun of it - just to document life so i never forget. today has been a breath of fresh air (even though i am finding it hard to breathe with this cold i seem to have woken up with), i think i needed to get far away from the world, life, city, everything.. im feeling so inspired right now. exhausted and inspired.



desert rose campaign

designer: suzi rose @ www.suzirose.com

models: teigan, kellie & lillian

makeup artist: lidija j

a couple of weeks ago i got to shoot for the very talented australian designer suzi rose. we shot her amazing new collection under burning sun & at the very tiring but oh so beautiful cronulla sand dunes.



shooting in raw or jpeg

Firstly, when it comes to working in RAW or JPEG there is no wrong or right way to shoot, it is all up to you and the way you work. A few people have asked me why I shoot in RAW lately though, or what the difference is or if its just the same, so I thought I'd write up a short & sweet blog post telling you what I know.

Below is my test image. It is an overexposed photo of a cloudy sky shot in RAW. I then made a second copy, converting it to JPEG so I can edit both files exactly the same and see what happens.

I selected both the RAW and JPEG file and pulled down the exposure the exact same amount and that is all:




After seeing the results, you can see there is a massive difference between RAW and JPEG, but whether or not you like to be able to fix images to this extent is up to you. Here is a very quick and simple overview of the two file types:

RAW images are larger files, but they contain a lot more information. This means, if you accidentally over or under expose a photo, there is more of a chance that you can correct it and save the photo. For example, if I had shot the above photo in JPEG, when I pull down the exposure to try and fix the image, all the information in the middle of the picture would be lost (all the white left in the middle of the photo).

The downside to shooting RAW is almost the same as the upside - the file size. You can shoot less photos while on a shoot unless you invest in a few more memory cards. It also takes up lots of storage space on your computer and external harddrives, and even more if you backup all your files.

JPEG files are a lot smaller, however contain a lot less information. As you can see in the image example above, I tried pulling down the expose to fix the image, but the JPEG file could not find the information it needed to do this. 

While you can take countless photos in JPEG on a shoot, the downside is if you take a few amazing photos and they happen to be over or under exposed, there is a lot less a chance that you will be able to save them.

So there is my little two cents on shooting RAW and JPEG. I always shoot in raw because I just like the comfort in knowing that I can have the most possible control over my images, and that if I do happen to take an amazing photo and it is slightly overexposed, I can bring down the settings and it won't have any JPEG compression damage.

I hope I haven't confused anyone too much! If anyone has any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them.