Viewing entries in
"sydney photography"

summer '91


summer '91

this is my final shoot for the wonderful oh deer vintage during the cold, rainy days in the middle of summer. the first time we went to shoot the day was so dreary and not a single spot of blue could be seen. i was so sad that we weren't going to be able to shoot at all, but every one was happy to reschedule for a sunny summer's day.

the sunny summer's day finally came along a couple of weeks later and hannah traveled all the way from canberra and lidija from the city to wollongong and back just in time before work to be able to shoot together! it was all perfect from there; we sat in the tree's shade in a park bench to do makeup and talk about shoots and a video clip hannah starred in. then we headed to the beach and the sun rays laid to rest on my shoulders as hannah turned into a dancing pixie in the ocean. this girl is only fifteen years young and is already so talented and has accomplished so much, i really can't wait to see what she gets up to in the future!

and of course, these photos could have never happened unless i had this amazing team with me:

model: hannah rose

makeup: lidija jevremovic



I also have some exciting news because I've started sharing more fashion shoot behind the scenes videos + Lightroom & Photoshop Tutorials on my YouTube Channel! Be sure to subscribe as I upload 2 new videos every week x



open road

 a little shoot on my magic road in the middle of nowhere for the amazing casper & pearl with a lovely girl i went to school with. the shorts worn with the black top are from oh deer vintage. shorts worn with the white & light-pink top are from casper & pearl.

model: andrijana c
designer: casper & pearl

thank you for 3,000 likes on my facebook page <3



culture mag: flights of fancy

model: suzi leenaards

hair & makeup: lidija j

designer: lynn to

designer assistant: tanya pham

i'm so excited to finally be able to release this editorial i've been hiding away for months and months. i am even more super excited that it got printed in culture magazine! it's always so lovely to see your photos printed, they have such a different feel to them. now my next aim is to shoot an editorial for russh or oyster! you can also get one of these photos as a lovely wallpaper that culture made to decorate your computer,





suzi rose collection: she's a dreamer

models: lillian, kellie & kayla


suzi rose


not too long ago i spent a day at my office shooting suzi rose's newest (and very cute) collection, she's a dreamer. there were countless outfits, purple and gold strewn about our picnic blanket on the sand. we spent a lot of the time taking photos walking through the little rock pools and getting the dresses wet, strangers watching by the shoreline. at the end of the day the girls were even game enough to get into the water, its supposed to be summer here in australia but it hasn't been half as hot as it usually is!

i drove back home from wollongong with red sunburnt shoulders & the rest of my skin on fire, but was so excited about the photos i started editing straight away. i'm currently putting together a short film from everything i filmed on the day while i was shooting. hopefully i can finish it before christmas so i can show you all the dreamy day in moving pictures.



sydney shootout!

when i saw rosie hardy put together her shootout day, i thought it was an amazing idea and was inspired to do the same thing - sydney version! 10 of us met up at sydney college of the arts one saturday morning and shot through the day. i had a great time, and it was lovely to meet so many new faces that are as much in love with taking pictures as i am, it doesn't make me feel guilty talking all photo mumbo-jumbo! since this shootout was successful, i am definitely going to plan another one! maybe the next one we can shoot at the beach and learn how to work with harsh lighting conditions.. it's all plans in my head for the time being!

the model is the beautiful ayesha jaye, who totally kept her cool posing in front of ten different camera lenses!

suzi rose

very kindly let us borrow her clothes for the day &

ally cussell

was on makeup.

here are a few links to everyone else's photos from the day, i will hopefully be adding everyone to the list as they post their photos!

luke m

secretstare photography

lauren stella photography

maraia photography

chantelle k

rebecca brooke


and some behind the scenes photos from the day: