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a couple of weeks ago i had the lovely opportunity to share my photography knowledge to colour-hungry photography students at my local high school in the form of a workshop. i asked rachel, a pretty girl who i went to school with, to model for me for the day. we walked down to the park in the late morning with the students, and in between taking pictures i showed them how i work with light, gave them tips on instructing the models and people they are photographing and everything in between. here are some of the photos i took:
the main aim i had for the day is to show them all how simple it can be to take portraits of someone. you don't need fancy lighting or to hike to a tropical location. we shot these photos in a park in front of the high school, the park that they would walk past every day to and from going to school.
i loved every minute of being able to share everything i know and answering all the questions that were asked throughout the day. so much, that i wanted to offer one on one lessons to anyone interested in learning from me and living in sydney. you could be a high school student wanting to learn more, someone who photographs for fun or someone who just wants to pick my brain for a day!
please email me on if you're interested.
not too long ago, the amazing black milk clothing (who i may or may not be in love with) sent me a box of their clothing so i can shoot with. my lovely little team and i spent a day walking around the streets of annandale take photos on the road, in the front yards of quaint houses, random alleys and outside the annandale hotel.
model: madeline rae mason
makeup artist: megan vaughan
stylist: jessie mcnaught
this is my final shoot for the wonderful oh deer vintage during the cold, rainy days in the middle of summer. the first time we went to shoot the day was so dreary and not a single spot of blue could be seen. i was so sad that we weren't going to be able to shoot at all, but every one was happy to reschedule for a sunny summer's day.
the sunny summer's day finally came along a couple of weeks later and hannah traveled all the way from canberra and lidija from the city to wollongong and back just in time before work to be able to shoot together! it was all perfect from there; we sat in the tree's shade in a park bench to do makeup and talk about shoots and a video clip hannah starred in. then we headed to the beach and the sun rays laid to rest on my shoulders as hannah turned into a dancing pixie in the ocean. this girl is only fifteen years young and is already so talented and has accomplished so much, i really can't wait to see what she gets up to in the future!
and of course, these photos could have never happened unless i had this amazing team with me:
model: hannah rose
makeup: lidija jevremovic
I also have some exciting news because I've started sharing more fashion shoot behind the scenes videos + Lightroom & Photoshop Tutorials on my YouTube Channel! Be sure to subscribe as I upload 2 new videos every week x
one of my latest lookbook shoots for the amazing brand lulu in chains. this is her new collection, 'you are not dead yet'.
model: ella b
makeup and hair: kaori
a few rainy week ago the wonderful oh deer vintage contacted me to shoot with their clothes. being in love with anything vintage, floral and in the form of a dress i said yes in a heartbeat. they sent me a box of clothes and so started this little photo story in a white abandoned house by the beach.
model: amelia z
makeup artist:
or find them on
late last year i shot age of intimacy's lovely collection for twenty-eleven, indie rose. the day begun in tears with a misunderstand between me and a uni teacher. i emailed them the day before asking to do my presentation of my progress in class first so i can leave early to get to a job i had booked for later that morning. long story short, she must have missed my email and told me to choose between "my studies and my career". obviously i chose what i love, my career, and headed off with a cloudy head.
i got to the location just before noon, where hair and makeup was being finished up. we were shooting in an upstairs vintage bar in the city, with nude paintings hung in golden ornate frames on every inch of the brindle walls. after a couple of hours of shooting the first few pieces of the location, we changed coraline's hair and headed off to the next location; the middle of nowhere.
holding a broken old suitcase, coraline walked down the side of the road as i filmed her. the afternoon sun warmed our goosebump skin as we shot the next few pieces of the indie rose collection in the prickly grass. poor coraline had to endure cars driving back and forth beeping at us as we were working. when i scouted the location a few weeks earlier, it was completely deserted. today, it was the busiest it must have ever been.
as the sun dimmed, we all got in the car and roadtripped back to the city. i filmed the blurry lights and black trees and when i watch the video i want to melt back into the day and do it all over again. we got back to dear old sydney and parked next to hyde park, our last location for the day. we all sipped on hot chocolate on a bench at the park trying to warm up, it was pitch black and cold by now, our skin and my pictures lit up by tungsten artificial sun.
we shot the last few photos and i rode back home in tired-bliss thinking about the long day. before i went to bed i got an email from my teacher stating that she finally found and read the email i sent and apologised for everything. ha.
but anyway, that's my little story of this big day. i hope you enjoy the collection photos. you should check out age of intimacy's website
, they are so so amazing! oh, and please click the little blue facebook link in the corner if you like this post to share the photos with the world!
models: lillian, kellie & kayla
not too long ago i spent a day at my office shooting suzi rose's newest (and very cute) collection, she's a dreamer. there were countless outfits, purple and gold strewn about our picnic blanket on the sand. we spent a lot of the time taking photos walking through the little rock pools and getting the dresses wet, strangers watching by the shoreline. at the end of the day the girls were even game enough to get into the water, its supposed to be summer here in australia but it hasn't been half as hot as it usually is!
i drove back home from wollongong with red sunburnt shoulders & the rest of my skin on fire, but was so excited about the photos i started editing straight away. i'm currently putting together a short film from everything i filmed on the day while i was shooting. hopefully i can finish it before christmas so i can show you all the dreamy day in moving pictures.
model: andrea buckman
i have been waiting for aaages to release these photos and i'm so excited they're finally on my blog! you can see the cover and the editorial and order a copy as well
here's a little behind the scenes video from our day:
music composed and recorded by dan podbierezki.